Engaging Documentaries by Lena Tchibor featuring famouse Artists, writes, curators and Art Historians.

Full version of the Interview by Lena Tchibor with Graham Hancock for the for School of Art & Design, University of Wolverhampton and the University of Wolverhampton Library


Full version of the Interview by Lena Tchibor with Edward Lucie-Smith on 24th March 2011 for the University of Wolverhampton Library.


Ed Ruscha and Anthony D’Offay visiting The University of Wolverhampton, School of Art & Design on 21st October 2011.

Ed Ruscha: Artist’s Talk. A Film by Lena Tchibor produced for School of Art & Design, University of Wolverhampton.


The first ever Exhibition in the UK by Viktor Pivovarov, one of the founders of Moscow Conceptualism, and entitled β€œDictionary of an artist” opened on 17th January at Pushkin House in London. The Opening of the Exhibition was followed by a Conversation with the Artist conducted by Professor Sarah Wilson from the Courtauld Institute of Art.

Curator: Nana Zhvitiashvili, Assistant Curator: Elena Walker. Translation by Alexander Kan. Videos by Lena Tchibor and Ondrej Tucek.