The Wall text in the Installation


I know a many of you will be amused to see a stand with a kind of newspaper hung on it in the artificial cave in which we are hiding now. I assume that the young children don’t even know what the word ‘newspaper’ means. So, I should remind you that the word ‘newspaper’ means a paper with the news written on it. In the past it was printed by special machines which were created to fulfil everyone’s desire – ‘to be the first to know’ thus the machines produced enough ‘newspapers’ for everyone. It was like that for centuries, and our, then fully human, ancestors of many generations worked tirelessly to create more and more machines to satisfy all kinds of human desires. The main desire was of course the desire for knowledge. Long, long time ago, somewhere in the East, some people were suspicious themselves about a desire for knowledge, therefore they created something called ‘religions’ to warn people of the consequence: the price of knowledge is the loss of paradise.

So, as the main human desire was always a desire for knowledge, more and more money was invested in the development of science from the 20th century, and by the middle of the 21st century humans had already begun to feel like they are ready to challenge the Genesis and to re-invent the concept of Evolution.

Oh, God, there is no room for literature here, really, as it is the last piece of natural paper which I found accidentally in this cave among a few natural wooden boards: I guess these materials survived somehow from some artist of the past. So, to save space on this last piece of paper I will not repeat here our history of the 21st century onwards as all of you know anyway what had happened. You know very well why you are hiding here: you are hiding from the virus which attacks only the rich members of our society and destroys them.

I guess that in the middle of the 21th century when the cloning of human bodies and the production of artificial human body parts became legal, our ancestors were so happy that they had the ability to become immortal. You know what happened then: the 3rd World War started as the richest people in the World needed resources and more territories for the eternal manufacturing of artificial organs for their bodies. The aftermath of the war, as you know, was the destruction of countries and most people were dead apart from the ‘global gated community’ of the richest people and a handful of people who they left as their slaves to serve the needs of the ‘ruling class’: to support their physical immortality. The humans/slaves are all mortal as you know, and I am one of them. We are mortal because our ancestors could not afford to have your kind of ‘bodies without organs’ I mean your bodies with all your ‘human replica’ artificial organs which form your immortal bodies, and by now you have long since made it unavailable for us, humans, even to dream to be one of you. We cannot buy immortality as we do not get paid; we are just your slaves who you have been harvesting for centuries to work for your needs. You are harvesting us as in the past humans harvested working cattle. For many generations, my human ancestors were so unhappy that their lives were so short compared with your ‘eternal life span’, and that all of us have to die one day. Many of them wished to be in your shoes and live forever and many of us out there today who, unlike you, don’t need to hide in this cave from the deadly virus, are very happy to know that all of you will be eventually wiped out by the virus and then freedom for us humans will come. Some of my fellow humans even claim that it is a ‘New Cyber Revolution’ and the virus is a manifestation of some kind of ‘Cyber God’ which they have even started to worship now. I personally don’t share their opinion and this why I am here trying to help you.

As you know the virus, which is hunting for you now, is the result of a mutation between human and computer viruses. It had never happened before in the entire history of our civilisation! Why it happened now God knows but it happened so you have to face it and fight it.

I said before that I will avoid ‘literature’ but I still mention so many things that you know already simply because I need to explain to you why I produced the installation you see here. In fact it is not an ‘installation’ but a machine. A desire-machine for you which I hope will train you to withstand and win over the virus. So, before I explain how it works I need to remind you of the main tactics of the virus. So, as you obviously know all the parts of your bodies are permanently connected via a global Wi-Fi network to the machines that monitor the performance of your organs and repair them when it needs to, or upgrade them via remote access when new add-ons, plug-ins, etc. are released. Therefore the virus can access you anytime via the computer network and as you know for some reason the virus tries to identify, “are you human or not?” with a very strange tactic: it asks you to ‘Imagine Peace’ and ‘Imagine Love’. You know that many of you were destroyed simply because you cannot imagine that. You are immortal but this is because you all are machines, you are all bodies without organs as no natural human organs are left in your bodies. Of course, you are still people of some description, but in fact you are artificial bodies from which people have been missing for a long time. I am sure you have never thought of yourself in that way but now it is the time when you have to admit it and face it. As you also know, in this artificial shelter/a kind of tent you are hiding in there is no internet access therefore the virus cannot reach you here. So, if you will continue to hide here, then all your organs will eventually become worn out and you will die. Some of my fellow humans cannot wait for that, but I am a human too, and may be because I am human I cannot explain why I want to help you. It is all about feelings and I feel deeply sorry for you. I don’t wish you death. I just feel sorry for you: the people who are missing from themselves. So, just please try to find yourself - the human in yourself as you were humans once, despite the fact that was centuries ago.

So, I have created a desire-machine for you which should satisfy your desire to turn back into human beings. Look around. Everything you are seeing here is a machine which will train you how to become a human again. So, the first step is the text you are reading now. This is an instruction, a manual for the desire-machine which will open for you new possibilities, new horizons which are: the human emotions and the human imagination.

Human emotions and imagination are very multifaceted, but because you don’t remember it anyway, I had to choose those which I believe you will need most. In fact, the only emotions you need to be human are the ability to imagine peace and imagine love and the ability to sincerely wish it to others – to everyone. It is that simple.

So, after you finish reading this text, have a look at the pictures which are attached in the middle of this paper. These are pictures I have copied from a few pages which had survived from a book (or several books?) I found in this cave when we, humans, built this artificial cave/tent to shelter you from the virus. The pages were found along with this piece of blank paper, I am writing on now, and those real wood (!) boards which are hung on the walls. As the pictures were of a very small size and in very bad condition I decided to re-draw them for you to make them clear. Of course, in the past I could restore the images on the computer and print them out, but as you know we don’t have any electronic devices here with us. Another reason for manual drawing was that I was trying to create a Miracle: a machine which would turn you – bodies without organs from which real people are missing into the human originals.

In fact, a human/a person, is not about a ‘body with organs’ of blood and flesh but is about a human soul, a living soul that can love others and wish them goodness the same as it would do for itself.

I need to add for your reference that we, humans, are not as materialistic as you. You are material and thus, as you believe - indestructible, but we are virtual and thus metaphysical. Hence, we, humans, can create a miracle while you – robots, basically – can only to obey the programming which is installed into your artificial brain by your ancestors – murderous capitalists. You are programmed to Trust that God is money, that direct and indirect murder is your ‘will to power’, and that production and consumption of commodities is something to live for and thus never die for (as coffins have no pockets, hence you cannot take all your money and commodities into the afterlife, so greed is the main inspiration for eternal life).

You don’t even have basic human emotions – what a smile feels like. You have replaced emotions with the signs for it: computer icons which you exchange with each other. Instead of a smile you have this sign :-) this is not a real smile this is just a depiction of it and nothing else.

So, back to step 2. Look at the drawings and try to imagine yourself out there. Try to imagine how it feels to be out there (air, smell of grass, emotion of characters, their thoughts, etc. – all of that is very basic, but very natural for humans).

Step 3. Go in the middle of the cave and stop between two boards which are hung on the opposite walls. Close your eyes. Relax. Try to imagine peace and imagine love. Then, try to feel love and to feel peace. Then, try to wish it to others, to all other beings of our planet and then – to the entire Universe.

Step 4. Open the square black book. Read it. Feel it. Adopt it in your mind.

Warning: After you go through all those steps you might feel something very unusual for you, for example, that your feelings are so deep that you even have tears. Don’t worry. That is natural. It means you have rediscovered your human soul.

Step 5. Congratulations! You are a human now. Don’t be scared to go out and live your life. Don’t be scared of anything as you now know the secret of Earth Magic: wish Love and Peace to everyone and everything and you will never be in danger yourself. Don’t be scared to be a ‘mortal human’ either.

Life is eternal, trust me!

Good Luck and Best Wishes,

Yours sincerely and forever,

A. Fellow Human

P.S. If you are stuck at any stage of your life, do remember I will always be here for you to help. Just call me and I will be with you.

Lena Tchibor (2012) Desire machine 3113. Installation. Wall text.

Wall text in the installation